In file code/C/queue.H:

template<class T> class GQueueNode : public GObject

Template queue node class to handle pointers to objects


public members:

GQueueNode(T *d)
Constructor that takes a pointer to the data being stored in the node
Destructor that just frees up the chain of nodes
void SetNext( GQueueNode <T> *n)
Set the next pointer
T *GetData()
Return the data held by the node
GQueueNode <T> *GetNext()
Get the next node in the chain
void DeleteQueueNode()
Calls delete on all of the data stored in the queue
friend classGQueue<T>
This allows the copy operator to ``look'' inside the class

private members:

T *data
A pointer to the data stored in the class
GQueueNode <T> *next
A pointer to the next node in the chain

Inherited from GObject:

public members:

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, GObject &)


This class implements a node in a fifo (first in first out) queue that handles pointers to objects. Note: This class does not free up the stored object when its destructor is called. It is necessary to call DeleteQueueNode() in order to clean the stored data.

this class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling